Lately, our Wal Jamat Ahl being attacked by Shiite propagandists. They try to seduce young men and women Sunnis, especially the general public to get into the flow of Shiites, including the mut'ah presented it. Because sexual desire for young men is on the rise, the first time they know adultery is forbidden, and the name will be polluted, if the woman he is going to be the dregs of society.
In view of the four schools of their own understanding of existing temporary berbagaia meanings in view of the whole school of four. Which according to the scholars agreed haraam. However, players are not subject to temporary marriages had but just done to the perpetrators temporary penta'ziran as disclosed in his Kitabu Abdurrahman Al-Fiqh 'Ala Al Mazahibil Al Arba'ah 4/84.
In this case differs from the opinion of the Shia, which they can get a temporary offender high status with Allah swt. In fact, according to them, People who do the temporary 1 time then he will earn degrees as degrees Saidina Hasan, who do earn degrees twice as Saidina Husen and doing temporary three times will earn degrees as degrees Saidina Ali KWJ.
It is as described in the fake hadith quoted by As-Sayyid Al Kaasyaani Fathullah in his Tafsir entitled Manhaj Ash Shadiqiin 2/493: "Whoever performs temporary marriages one time then rank as Al Hussain, whoever did it twice then serajatnya like Al Hasan, whoever did it three times then ennobled as Ali Bin Abi Talib, and whoever did it four times, then rank as me ".
Temporary marriages is indeed terrible, because the effect of the temporary number is affected by HIV / AIDS. As published dlam Tabloid Ash Shira, 14th no. 684. June. Monday 19th of 1995, which contains the story of a woman who contracted venereal disease as a result of muta. In Iran alone there are 250,000 children without a father. Reuters (Tue 26 July 1994) also reported, there were 82 people died from AIDS in Iran and a number of Iranians infected with the AIDS virus across the country as many as 5,000 people.
This is the deterrent effect of temporary actors, then shun mut'ah. Because it is a temporary prohibition in Islam Ahl Wal Jama'ah, as well as temporary can invite diseases have not found a cure. Shi'ism is the cult on behalf of himself as a lover of the Ahlul Baiyt Prophet, but the Prophet's Ahl-ul temple distanced themselves from them. Shiites only scapegoat Ahlul Bait of the Prophet.
Be wary of Shi'ite ideology, especially in the field of Aqeedah, because the Shi'a aqeedah is very-very different from Wal Jamat Ahl aqidah, Which May be we describe in the next edition.
Wallahul Muwafiq Ilallah ... ..
In view of the four schools of their own understanding of existing temporary berbagaia meanings in view of the whole school of four. Which according to the scholars agreed haraam. However, players are not subject to temporary marriages had but just done to the perpetrators temporary penta'ziran as disclosed in his Kitabu Abdurrahman Al-Fiqh 'Ala Al Mazahibil Al Arba'ah 4/84.
In this case differs from the opinion of the Shia, which they can get a temporary offender high status with Allah swt. In fact, according to them, People who do the temporary 1 time then he will earn degrees as degrees Saidina Hasan, who do earn degrees twice as Saidina Husen and doing temporary three times will earn degrees as degrees Saidina Ali KWJ.
It is as described in the fake hadith quoted by As-Sayyid Al Kaasyaani Fathullah in his Tafsir entitled Manhaj Ash Shadiqiin 2/493: "Whoever performs temporary marriages one time then rank as Al Hussain, whoever did it twice then serajatnya like Al Hasan, whoever did it three times then ennobled as Ali Bin Abi Talib, and whoever did it four times, then rank as me ".
Temporary marriages is indeed terrible, because the effect of the temporary number is affected by HIV / AIDS. As published dlam Tabloid Ash Shira, 14th no. 684. June. Monday 19th of 1995, which contains the story of a woman who contracted venereal disease as a result of muta. In Iran alone there are 250,000 children without a father. Reuters (Tue 26 July 1994) also reported, there were 82 people died from AIDS in Iran and a number of Iranians infected with the AIDS virus across the country as many as 5,000 people.
This is the deterrent effect of temporary actors, then shun mut'ah. Because it is a temporary prohibition in Islam Ahl Wal Jama'ah, as well as temporary can invite diseases have not found a cure. Shi'ism is the cult on behalf of himself as a lover of the Ahlul Baiyt Prophet, but the Prophet's Ahl-ul temple distanced themselves from them. Shiites only scapegoat Ahlul Bait of the Prophet.
Be wary of Shi'ite ideology, especially in the field of Aqeedah, because the Shi'a aqeedah is very-very different from Wal Jamat Ahl aqidah, Which May be we describe in the next edition.
Wallahul Muwafiq Ilallah ... ..