بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
1 Hadith of Ibn Umar's will is in Sharh Aqeedah Thahawiyah It: 458:
"From Ibn Umar Ra.:" Behold, He intestate to his grave on the cemetery later after the initial letter was read awa-albaqarah and finally. And from most muhajirin also quoted a letter to reading albaqarah "
This hadith Imam Ahmad became the handle, whereas previous imam Ahmad was among those who deny the arrival of the reward of the living to the dead, but after hearing from the people confidence about the testament ibn Umar, he revoked pengingkarannyaitu. (Mukhtasar Tadzkirah Qurtubi page 25).
2 Hadith History darulqutni
"Whoever makes kepekuburan then read (the letter al Ikhlash) 11 times, then presented the reward to those who have died (dipekuburan it), then he will be rewarded as much as people who died there".
3 Hadith marfu 'History Hafidz as-Salafi
"From Ibn Umar. That the Prophet SAW said: "If any one of you dies, so do not hold it and immediately took it to the grave and recite Fatihatul book beside his head".
"Whoever passed the cemetery and read qulhuwallahu Munday (letter al Ikhlash) 11 times, then presented the reward to those who have died (dipekuburan it), then he will be rewarded as much as people who died there". (Mukhtasar Al-Qurtubi things. 26).
4 Hadith narrated by Abu Dawud, Nasa'i, Ahmad and Ibn Hibban:
"From Ma'qil bin yasar of the Prophet SAW., He said:" Read the letter yaasin for the dead among you ".
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