
Sabtu, 26 April 2014


CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background Conceptually, the archipelago insight (Insight) is a national insight Indonesian nation. Formulation of national perception of Indonesia, hereinafter referred Archipelago, it is one of the political conception of the constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. Archipelagic nation of Indonesia as a national insight built on the nation's geopolitical outlook. View of the Indonesian nation based on the constellation of the neighborhood which produces conception Insights Nusantara.jadi Archipelago is the application of the theory of geopolitics of Indonesia.
To learn more, the authors try to discuss it with a paper titled "INSIGHT AS GEOPOLITICS Nusantara INDONESIA"
1.2 Problem Formulation

What meaning, nature, and position Archipelago?
What sense of Geopolitics?
How the Indonesian Archipelago as Geopolitics?
How Embodiment Archipelago?

1.3 Objectives

To know the meaning, nature, and position Archipelago!
To find Geoplitik understanding!
To know the Indonesian Archipelago as Geopolitics!
To find out Embodiments Archipelago!

1.4 Objectives The Want In Reach
Hopefully with this paper can be useful especially for the author's own and for other readers as well as increase knowledge in the field of scientific work.

A. Understanding Archipelago
Etymologically, the word comes from the Archipelago and the Archipelago Insights. Insights derived from the word Wawas (Java language) which means the views, reviews and visual senses. So insight is the view, review, vision, sensory response. Insights will also mean perspectives and ways of looking. Archipelago is derived from the country and between. Nusa mean the island or archipelago unity. Between means indicating the location between the two elements. So is the unity of the archipelago of islands located between two continents, namely ian Asia and Australia, and two oceans, the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Based on the modern sense, the word "archipelago" is used as a substitute for the name of Indonesia.

While terminological Insights according to some opinion as follows: a. According to prof. Wan Usman, "Wawasan Nusantara Indonesia is a nation perspective on themselves and their homeland as an archipelagic nation with all the diverse aspects of life." b. According to the Guidelines, 1998, Archipelago is the outlook and attitude of the Indonesian people about themselves and their environment, with the organization of the society, nation and state. c. According to the working group proposed Archipelago to be tap. MPR, which made the 1999 National Resilience Institute, which is "the perspective and attitude of the Indonesian people regarding self-paced and diverse environment and strategic value by giving priority to national unity and territorial integrity in the administration of kehipan society, nation, and state to achieve national objectives."

Based on the above opinions, in a simple insight archipelago nation of Indonesia meaningful perspective on themselves and their surroundings. B. Archipelago Itself
We looked at the archipelago nation of Indonesia is one unit. Thus, the nature Archipelago is wholeness and unity of the national territory. In other words, the nature Archipelago is "national unity and territorial integrity.
In the Guidelines stated that the nature of the Archipelago realized by states as a whole archipelago of political, economic, social cultural, defense and security.

C. Position Archipelago
Archipelago serves as the nation's vision. National perception is concerned in the vision of the nation into the future. Vision of Indonesia in accordance with the concept of Wawasan Nusantara is a single nation with a single and intact areas as well. Archipelago position as one of The constitutional conception of the Republic of Indonesia.
A. Geopolitics as Earth Science Politics
Geopolitics is etymologically derived from the Greek, which means that Geo earth and can not be separated from the influence of the location and geography of the earth into the living area. Geopolitics interpreted as holding that any state policy issues associated with geographic region or residence of a nation.
Geopolitical term was first defined by Frederich Ratzel as political geography (political geography), which was later expanded by Rudolf Kjellen a geographical politics, geopolitics abbreviated.
Geopolitical Theories: a. Theory of Geopolitics Frederich Ratzel (1844-1904), argued that the country as a living organism. State growth similar to the growth of organisms which require living space (lebensraum) is sufficient in order to thrive. The more extensive the space hiduo the State will survive, powerful, and advanced. This theory is known as the theory or the theory of biological organisms. b. Theory of Geopolitics Kjellen Rudolf (1864-1922), is a unit of the State and political system that covers the field of geopolitics, political economy, political demonstrations of political social, and political krato. Country as a living organism and intellectuals should be able to maintain and develop itself by expansion. c. Theory of Geopolitics Karl Haushofer (1896-1946), continued the views Ratzel and Kjellen especially views on lebensraum and understand expansionism. If the population of a territory the more so as no longer proportional to the area, then the State should seek to expand its territory as a living space for the citizens of the State. To this end, the State shall seek: · Autarky, which is ideal to meet their own needs without relying on other countries. · The areas to be controlled (pan-regional), namely: a. Pan American as a "union territory" with the United States as its leader. b. Pan East Asia, covering the eastern part of the continent of Asia, Australia and the islands where the Japanese as the ruler. c. Russian Pan India covering areas of West Asia, Eastern Europe, and Russia are controlled by Russia. d. European Pan Africa include Western Europe, excluding the UK and Russia ruled by Germany. Karl Haushofer's geopolitical theories practiced by Hitler's Nazi Germany under the leadership of causing two world wars. d. Theory of Geopolitics Halford Mackinder (1861-1947), has a more strategic geopolitical conception, namely the control areas 'heart' world, so his opinions known to the local theory of heart. Whoever controlled "areas of the heart" (Eastern Europe and Russia) then he will rule the island world (Europe, Asia, and Africa) that will eventually dominate the world. Based on this insight came the concept of the Continent or the concept of power in the land. e. Theory of Geopolitics Tayer Alfred Mahan (1840-1914), developed the concept further by taking into account the need to capitalize upon geopolitical and maintain marine resources including access to the sea. Thus, not only the construction of the fleet is needed, but also to build a broader maritime power. Based on this, the concept appears Wawasa Marine forces at sea or concept. Whoever controlled the oceans will control the world's wealth. f. Theory of Geopolitics Guilio Douhet (1869-1930), William Mitche (1878-1939), Saversky and JFC Fuller, has another opinion than their predecessors. Both saw strength aerospace bigger role in winning the war against the enemy. Therefore they concluded that building a fleet or air force is more favorable because the air force allowed to operate its own without the Bantu by other forces. In addition, the air force to destroy the enemy at home itself. Based on this, then comes the Aerospace Insights concept (the concept of power in the air). g. Theory of Geopolitics J.Spijkman Nicholas (1879-1936), famous for the theory of boundary area. In his theory, he divided the world into four regions: · Pivot area, covering the area of ​​the heart area. · Offshore continent land, includes the coastal areas of Europe-Asia. · Oceanic Belt, including the island territories outside Europe-Asia, southern Africa · New World, covering the Americas. Over the division of the world's four regions menladi, Spijkman looked diperlunya power-generation combination of Force War to annex those territories in question. This results in a theoretical view Borderline (Rimland) called Insights combination.

B. Geopolitics understand Indonesian Nation
Indonesian people understand the geopolitical conception formulated in Wawasan Nusantara. For Indonesia, geopolitics is a new view in considering the factors of geographical area of ​​the State to achieve its national objectives. For Indonesia, is a geopolitical policy in order to achieve the national goals with geographical advantages memamfaatkan State based on scientific knowledge of the geographical conditions.
Geographically, Indonesia has a characteristic, which is flanked by two oceans and two continents, and is located below the orbit of geostationary satellite orbit (GSO). And Indonesia may be referred to as the Indonesian maritime continent. Indonesian territory shall be incorporated in the formal judicial Section 25A of the 1945 Constitution Amendment IV. On the basis that Indonesia develop its national geopolitical understanding, ie Archipelago. And historically, parts of Indonesia earlier is the former Dutch colony which was once called the Dutch East Indies.
Based on this historical and geographical facts, parts of Indonesia and its what is in it is seen as a single entity. View or insight is called the national Indonesian Archipelago. Archipelago as geopolitical conception of the Indonesian nation.
2.3. INSIGHT REALIZATION NUSANTARA A. Formulation Archipelago
Archipelago conception outlined in the legislation, which is in the MPR decree on guidelines. Consecutive terms are:

MPR Decree No.. IV \ MPR \ 1973
MPR Decree No.. IV \ MPR \ 1978
MPR Decree No.. II \ MPR \ 1983
MPR Decree No.. II \ MPR \ 1988
MPR Decree No.. II \ MPR \ 1993
MPR Decree No.. II \ MPR \ 1998

In the decree stated that the insights in the implementation of national development in the National Development Goals is Archipelago. Archipelago is a national perception that comes from Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution.
Insight into the nature of the archipelago is the nation's unity and territorial integrity of Indonesia. Indonesian national perspective include:

One embodiment of the archipelago as a Political Unity
Embodiment archipelago as One Economy
One embodiment of the archipelago as a Social and Cultural Unity
Embodiment archipelago as One Defense and Security

Coverage of each archipelago sense of embodiment as One Political, Economic, Social, Cultural, Defence and Security (POLEKSOSBUDHANKAM) are listed in the Guidelines.
Formulation containing the latest guidelines regarding Archipelago is the 1998 Guidelines in MPR Decree No.. II \ MPR \ 1998. In the 1999 guidelines, as stated in the MPR Decree No.. IV \ MPR \ 1999 are no longer found on the formulation of the Archipelago.
At the present time, in the absence of further guidelines, formulation Archipelago into nothing. Yet as a political conception of the state administration of the Republic of Indonesia, which is characterized by the archipelago of Indonesia would be retained. It is stated in Article 25A of the 1945 Constitution Amendment IV, which reads "the Republic of Indonesia is an archipelago island nation that characterized the region boundaries and rights shall be specified by the Act". Law governing this case is the Act No. 6 of 1996 on Indonesian Waters.
B. Boundaries of the Republic of Indonesia
a). Mainland region
Land area is the surface area of ​​the earth within certain limits and in the soil at the surface of the earth.

b). Inland areas
Indonesian waters include the territorial sea, archipelagic waters, and peraran deepening.
c). Airspace
Airspace is the area that is above the land and sea (water) of the country. How much sovereignty to the country's airspace above it, there are several streams, namely: 1) Theory of Free Air 2) Theory of Sovereign State in the Air
C. Basic elements Archipelago
Conception Archipelago contains three basic elements, namely: a) Containers (Contour b) Content (Content) c) of the Code (Conduct)
D. Goals and mamfaat Archipelago a) The purpose Archipelago
Purpose Archipelago consists of two: 1. Destination into, ie ensure the realization of the unity of the national unity of all aspects of life, namely political, economic, social cultural, defense and security. 2. Destination to the outside, ensuring that the national interest in a world-paced change, and participated in the establishment of world order based on freedom, eternal peace and social justice as well as to develop a cooperation and mutual respect.
b) mamfaat Archipelago Mamfaat Archipelago is as follows: 1. Accepted and acknowledged conception archipelago in international forums. 2. Added Indonesian territorial area. 3. Added as a living room area provides a great potential resource for improving the welfare of the people. 4. application of the archipelago generate insight perspective on the territorial integrity of the country that need to be maintained by the Indonesian nation. 5. Archipelagos be one means of national integration.

In a simple insight archipelago nation of Indonesia means the perspective of the self and the environment. We looked at the archipelago nation of Indonesia is one unit. Thus, the nature Archipelago is wholeness and unity of the national territory. In other words, the nature Archipelago is "national unity and territorial integrity. Archipelago serves as the nation's vision. National perception is concerned in the vision of the nation into the future. Vision of Indonesia in accordance with the concept of Wawasan Nusantara is a single nation with a single and intact areas as well. Archipelago position as one of The constitutional conception of the Republic of Indonesia. Based on geographical and historical facts, the region of Indonesia and what is in it is seen as a single entity. View or insight is called the national Indonesian Archipelago. Archipelago as geopolitical conception of the Indonesian nation.

Hopefully with this paper can be useful especially for the author's own and for other readers as well as increase knowledge in the field of scientific work.


Achmad Fauzi, Pancasila, Tinjauan Konteks Sejarah, Filsafat Ideologi Nasional dan Ketatanegaraan Republik Indonesia, Malang:PT. Danar Jaya Brawijaya University Press, 2003.
Adnan Buyung Nasution, Aspirasi Pemerintah Konstitusional di Indonesia, Jakarta:Grafitti, 1995.

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