Minggu, 28 September 2014

Wahhabi ideology REFUSE: GOD SAYS THAT WHEN sky prays (Why raise your hands to the sky ???)

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

One of the scholars of Al Azhar, Al Muhaddith Shaykh Ahmad ibn Siddiq al Ghumari Al Maghribi (1380 H) has set out the reasons why it is prescribed raised my hands to the sky while praying.

In his essay, Al Manhu Al Mathlubah fi fi Istihbabi Raf'i Al Yadaini Ad Du'a` ba'da As Shalawati Al Maktubah (p.61), he said, "If anyone says, 'if Allah Ta'ala is free of direction, then why raise your hands to the sky when praying? '"

She answered that question with an answer of Imam At Thurthusi (529 H), scholars Malikiyah of Alexandria, as detailed in As Sadah al Muttaqin Ithaf, Sharh Ihya Ulum Ad Din (5 / 34,35).

In that answer, At Thurthusi give two answers:

First: It has something to do with the problem ubudiyah, such as facing the Qiblah while praying, and put his forehead on the earth while prostrating, which also purify God of place, be it the Kaba or place of prostration. So, as if the sky is a mecca while praying.

Second: Because the sky is the decline rizki, grace and blessing, as rain fell from the sky to the earth. Similarly, the sky is the place of the angels, God decides the order in which it was drawn to them, until they lowered it to the inhabitants of the earth.

In summary, the sky is the implementation of the decision, then the prayer addressed to the sky.
Answer At Thurtusi above actually refers to the answer Al Qadi Ibn Qurai'ah (367 H), when asked by Al Wazir Al Muhallabi (352 H), a minister of Baghdad that is very close to the scholars.

Where an Al Muhallabi when asked, "I saw you raise your hands to the sky and lowered her forehead to the earth, in which the actual He (Allah Ta'ala)?

Ibn Qurai'ah replied, "Actually we raised my hand to places rizki downs. And degrading our forehead-forehead to the expiration of our bodies. The first to ask rizki, the second to avoid the ugliness of death. Have not you heard the word of Allah Ta'ala (the meaning): "And in the sky you good luck and promised nothing." (Ad Dzariayat: 22). And Allaah says (which maknya), "From it We created you, and to him we return it to you." (Taha: 55).

Quoted from Al Manhu Al Mathlubah fi fi Istihbabi Raf'i Al Yadaini Ad Du'a` ba'da As Shalawati Al Maktubah, Maktab Al Mathbu'at Al Islamiyah, cet 2 (2004) with tahqiq Al Muhaddith Sheikh Abdu Al Fattah Abu Ghuddah .

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