Senin, 15 September 2014


Aqidah Shiite heresy

In the language of Shia means follower, while the Shiites are the real sense are the ones that went in the Saidina 'Ali KWJ and ancestry prophet, they say, the leader after the Prophet is Saidina' Ali KWJ and more right caliph after the Prophet Muhammad died is Saidina "KWJ Ali.
             We discuss the Shiite incomplete without mentioning the name of Abdullah Ibn Saba '. Due to the growing role and jasanyalah Shiite. He was actually director berkobarnya Saidina slander against Uthman.
             Abdullah bin Saba 'was a rabbi from Yemen who pretended to convert to Islam at the end of the reign of Caliph Uthman ra. And He is the person who first said that Saidina 'Ali accepts the will of the Prophet on the post of Caliph, and he would return to this world to menghukumi his opponents, and Ibn Saba' was the first time cursing the three Caliphs before 'Ali and his companions -sahabat other Prophets.
             In a book entitled "Why We Reject Shiite 'Page 30 explained. Fundamentals of the Faith Arkanul according to Twelver Shiite ideology Itsinaa 'Asyariyah are:
1 Believing in the Oneness of Allah Ke
2 Pecaya to Justice
3 Believing in the Prophethood
4 Belief in Imamate
5. Belief Ma'ad Day / Hour

Imamate is the rightful leader after the Prophet died. They believe in the concept of the Twelve Imams. Here are the names of the Twelve Imams of Shia Imami according understand Itsinaa 'Asyariyah sebagaiman is written in Tafsir Wal Mufassirun Volume 3 pages 23-25​​:
1 Ali bin Abi Talib (Died Years 40 H)
2 Hasan bin Ali (born 3 H, died 50 H)
3. Husain bin Ali (born 4 H, died 61 H)
4 Ali bin Husayn / Zainal Abidin (born 38 H, 95 H's death)
5. Muhammbad Al Baqir bin Ali Zainal Abidin (born 57 H, died 114 H)
6. Sadiq bin Muhammad Al Baqir (born 80 H, died 148 H)
7 Kadzim Musa ibn Ja'far Al Sadiq (born 128 AH, died 183 H)
8 Ali ibn Musa Ar Ridha Al Kadzim (born 153 AH, died 203 H)
9 Mohammed Al Jawad bin Ali Ar Ridha (born 195 AH, died 220 h)
10 Ali Al Hadi bin Muhammad Al-Jawad (born 214 H, 254 H)
11. Hasan Al 'Uskari bin Ali Al Hadi (born 231 AH, died 260 H)
12. Muhammad Mahdi bin Hasan Al 'Uskari / Imam Mahdi (start hiding Year 260 H until now)

If we use our logic, the custom may not be a life over 1000 years ??

             On the issue of Imam Mahdi, is also different from the Hadith narrated by Turmizi, Abu Dawud, Ibn Majah and others who say Imam mahdi is the family of the Prophet, his name as the name of the prophet and his father's name as the name of the father of Prophet Muhammad bin Abdullah. Meanwhile, according to the Shi'ite Mahdi named Muhammad Bin Hasan Al 'Uskari.
 Muhammad Husain in his book Adh Dzhabi titled "Tarsir Wal  Mufassirun" volume 2 page 8 explained:
Shi'ites fame was with four kinds, namely infallible, Al Mahdi, Raj'ah and taqiyah.
1. infallible: Namely that being that they believe that they maintained the Twelve Imams of the great sins and little sins. This is in contrast with the ideology of Ahl Wal Jama'ah that only considered infallible to the Prophets and Messengers of Allah.
2 Imam Mahdi: That they believe Imam Mahdi will one day Out for justice and entered the place of the Imams.
3 Raj'ah: They mengiktikad behold when Imam Mahdi already Zahir, the Prophet Muhammad, Ali, Hasan, Imam Husain even whole will rise again to this world to judge Abu Bakr and Umar for qishaskan, then they all died again and will live again on Day qiyamat.
4. taqiyah: Is a lie and this is for them the principle of Shi'ite and one juzu 'of the religion to deny the man, and some even say, taqiyah a trillionth of religion according to their three. It continues to do before they come out of the hiding place of Imam Mahdi.

Lots of Shi'ite creed and different deviating from Islam Ahl Wal Jama'ah. And many of them Shiite creed that membawaki to kufr, such as those mentioned in the book "Tuhfatur Raghibin" page 9:
1 They mengiktikad, that Saidina Ali KWJ down from the sky to form clouds and then resembling human divinity. Then he did some work Lordship then up again into the sky. Such is the faith which the Christian faith.
2 They assume, that Saidina Ali who duly became the Prophet. Bringing the angel Gabriel revealed to Muhammad is a mistake. So this kind of faith can membawaki to kufr, as opposed to Nash Quran
وما محمد الا رسول
3 They mengiktikad, that saidina it bermusyarikat with Muhammad Ali in the prophetic.
4 They mengiktikad, that the caliph should is Saidina Ali and all his descendants, and they also cursed Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and other companions of the Prophet.
5. They mengiktikad, that the soul when it is out of the body, it will enter into another body (body).
6 And some of them on faith, that Saidina Ali would return to this world again as before, and will avenge every opponent. And he is now in the cloud, thunder and lightning threat is sound. The Shiite during a rumble in the sky and lightning, they said عليك السلام يا امير المؤمنين as it is written in Tafsir Wal Mufassirun.