
Minggu, 28 September 2014

Argument of remembrance while shaking HEAD (ANSWERED SLANDER Wahabi)

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Habits and in general, moving his head and tergeleng-Dhikr Current (Tawheed sentence). Actually, all of this has cause, reason and reasoning. One of these is a history of Sayyidina Ali Rodhiyallohu treatment mensifatkan Anhu that the companions of them: -
"friends when they are in the morning Berdzikrulloh in motion (sway) as swinging swaying trees windy."

This case is also referred to by the Mufti Sheikh Ahmed bin Mohammed Said in his book "Faraa-Eid al-Marwiyyah Maatsir lith Thoriqah al-Ahmadi" as follows: -
Al-Hafidz narrated Abu Nu`aim bahawa as-Sayyid al-Jalil al-Fudhail bin 'Iyyadh said: - "The friends of the Prophet alaihi Alai. Remembrance When they move the body leaning left to right like a leaning tree in the wind strong . "

Ways on how this dhikr, let him move his body leaning to the right side nafi commences with the words "La" (rather than verse tahlil La ilaha illa Allah) on the right-leaning his deep desire to crime is on the right. Then call lafadz "God" when his body leaning to the left, in order to receive all the light and rahsia lafadz "God".

Examples Recitation by Move head right to left it with istinbatnya
the word of God
then I will come at them from the front and from behind them, from their right and from their left. And you will not find most of them thankful (obedient) (QS.AL-A'raf: 17)

And do not occasionally deluded by the devil; The devil indeed a clear enemy. (QS.Az-Zukhruf: 62)

That's why the head should move dhikr

Dhikr upward movement meant to ward of demons attacking from the front and rear, dhikr movement to the right and to the left to shake off the devil is in the right and left.
and saying dhikr and loud noises and repeatedly in order to penetrate and vibrate the heart
so that the heart come berdzkir and remembering Allah

Imam Jalal al-Din Suyuti ra in wondering about "a group of Sufis who had gathered for a session of dancing dhikr," he replied: How MEMV0NIS damned MAY AND NEGATIVE TO PEOPLE WHO dhikr while standing, or standing while making dhikr,
Imam Jalalud din Suyuti (Rahimuhullah) in Al Hawi lil Fatawi, JUZ 2/234) CET Maktaba al Asriyyah, Beirut, Lebanon).

Imam Nawawi said: "Dancing does not violate Islamic rules, except the swing movement LUNGGAK WOMEN WITH AND NOT SEN0N0H. And allowed to sing poetry and dhikr." [Minhaj at talibin wa`umdat Muttaqin al. THN Cairo 1338/1920 CET. Mustafa al-Babi al-Halabi]

That O brother of the Aulia and ulema us they have their own way and so is the dhikr of this nature when they glorify and remember Allah also has its own way ..

Wahhabi ideology REFUSE: GOD SAYS THAT WHEN sky prays (Why raise your hands to the sky ???)

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

One of the scholars of Al Azhar, Al Muhaddith Shaykh Ahmad ibn Siddiq al Ghumari Al Maghribi (1380 H) has set out the reasons why it is prescribed raised my hands to the sky while praying.

In his essay, Al Manhu Al Mathlubah fi fi Istihbabi Raf'i Al Yadaini Ad Du'a` ba'da As Shalawati Al Maktubah (p.61), he said, "If anyone says, 'if Allah Ta'ala is free of direction, then why raise your hands to the sky when praying? '"

She answered that question with an answer of Imam At Thurthusi (529 H), scholars Malikiyah of Alexandria, as detailed in As Sadah al Muttaqin Ithaf, Sharh Ihya Ulum Ad Din (5 / 34,35).

In that answer, At Thurthusi give two answers:

First: It has something to do with the problem ubudiyah, such as facing the Qiblah while praying, and put his forehead on the earth while prostrating, which also purify God of place, be it the Kaba or place of prostration. So, as if the sky is a mecca while praying.

Second: Because the sky is the decline rizki, grace and blessing, as rain fell from the sky to the earth. Similarly, the sky is the place of the angels, God decides the order in which it was drawn to them, until they lowered it to the inhabitants of the earth.

In summary, the sky is the implementation of the decision, then the prayer addressed to the sky.
Answer At Thurtusi above actually refers to the answer Al Qadi Ibn Qurai'ah (367 H), when asked by Al Wazir Al Muhallabi (352 H), a minister of Baghdad that is very close to the scholars.

Where an Al Muhallabi when asked, "I saw you raise your hands to the sky and lowered her forehead to the earth, in which the actual He (Allah Ta'ala)?

Ibn Qurai'ah replied, "Actually we raised my hand to places rizki downs. And degrading our forehead-forehead to the expiration of our bodies. The first to ask rizki, the second to avoid the ugliness of death. Have not you heard the word of Allah Ta'ala (the meaning): "And in the sky you good luck and promised nothing." (Ad Dzariayat: 22). And Allaah says (which maknya), "From it We created you, and to him we return it to you." (Taha: 55).

Quoted from Al Manhu Al Mathlubah fi fi Istihbabi Raf'i Al Yadaini Ad Du'a` ba'da As Shalawati Al Maktubah, Maktab Al Mathbu'at Al Islamiyah, cet 2 (2004) with tahqiq Al Muhaddith Sheikh Abdu Al Fattah Abu Ghuddah .


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Kebiasaan dan pada umumnya, bergerak-gerak dan tergeleng-geleng kepala Saat Dzikir (kalimah Tauhid). Sebenarnya semua ini punya sebab, alasan dan dalil. Salah Satu Antaranya ialah riwayat Sayyidina Ali Rodhiyallohu Anhu yang mensifatkan perlakuan para sahabat antaranya:- "para sahabat apabila mereka pagi-pagi Berdzikrulloh dalam keadaan bergerak (bergoyang) seperti goyangan berayunan pohon-pohon berangin."
Perkara ini juga disebut oleh Mufti Syaikh Ahmad bin Muhammad Sa`id dalam kitabnya "Faraa-idul Maatsir al-Marwiyyah lith Thoriqah al-Ahmadiyyah" sebagai berikut:- Al-Hafidz Abu Nu`aim meriwayatkan bahawa as-Sayyid al-Jalil al-Fudhail bin 'Iyyadh berkata:- "Sahabat-sahabat Rasulullah Sholallohu alaihi. Apabila berzikir mereka menggerakkan badan condong ke kiri ke kanan seperti pohon kayu yang condong ditiup angin kuat."
Cara berdzikir mengenai cara ini, hendaklah ia menggerakkan tubuh badannya condong ke sebelah kanan memulakan dengan perkataan nafi "La" (daripada ayat tahlil La ilaha illa Allah) di sebelah kanan kerana nafsu yang condong kepada kejahatan ada di sebelah kanan. Kemudian menyebut lafaz "Allah" ketika badannya condong ke sebelah kiri, supaya hati menerima segala cahaya dan rahsia lafadz "Allah".
Contoh Zikir dengan Menggerakan kepala kanan ke kiri itu dengan istinbatnya pada firman Allah kemudian saya akan mendatangi mereka dari muka dan dari belakang mereka, dari kanan dan dari kiri mereka. Dan Engkau tidak akan mendapati kebanyakan mereka bersyukur (taat) (QS.AL-A'raaf:17)
Dan janganlah kamu sekali-kali dipalingkan oleh syaitan; sesungguhnya syaitan itu musuh yang nyata bagimu. (QS.Az-Zukhruf:62)
itulah kenapa harus menggerakkan kepala dzikir
Gerakan dzikir ke atas maksudnya untuk menepiskan iblis yang menyerang dari depan dan belakang,gerakan dzikir ke kanan dan ke kiri untuk menepiskan iblis yang ada di kanan dan kiri. dan mengucapkan dzikir dan suara keras dan berulang-ulang agar sampai menembus dan menggetarkan qalbu sehingga qalbu ikut berdzkir dan mengingat allah
Imam Jalal al-Din Suyuti ra di tanya tentang "sekelompok sufi yang berkumpul menari untuk sesi zikir," maka ia menjawab: Bagaimana MUNGKIN MEMV0NIS TERKUTUK DAN SESAT KEPADA ORANG YANG berdzikir sambil berdiri, atau berdiri saat berdzikir, Imam Jalalud din Suyuti (Rahimuhullah) di Al Hawi lil Fatawi,JUZ 2 / 234) CET Maktaba al Asriyyah, Beirut, Lebanon).
Imam Nawawi berkata: "Menari tidak melanggar hukum SYARA, kecuali gerakan WANITA DGN LUNGGAK LENGGOK DAN TAK SEN0N0H. Dan diperbolehkan menyanyikan SYAIR DAN DZIKIR. "[Minhaj di talibin wa`umdat al- Muttaqin. CET Cairo THN 1338/1920. Mustafa al-Babi al- Halabi]
Begitulah wahai saudara para aulia dan ulama kita mereka punya cara sendiri dalam berdzikir dan begitu juga alam ini ketika mereka bertasbih dan mengingat allah juga punya cara tersendiri..


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